Hello dear mission supporters!

The mission is moving forward quickly, we have experienced many miracles and the work has produced a rich harvest!

Our young Norwegian pastor, Nathan Osnes, has also been active in Norway: he was a speaker at a youth conference where more than sixty young people gave their lives to Jesus, and a couple of hundred young people received prayer and spiritual renewal. On the same day there was also a baptism ceremony for new believers..

After these meetings, Nathan returned to the Philippines saying, “Of course it's wonderful to preach to a large crowd, but my heart is in Asia. Working with individuals makes missionary outreach so meaningful, and therefore you can do it tirelessly, because every person is precious to God."

In a remote area we met a little sick boy whose parents had no chance of getting him help. Nathan put the boy in the car and drove to the hospital, where the boy received treatment. The doctor said: "If the boy had not been brought to the hospital now, he would have died." New clothes were also bought for the boy and food aid was given to the family. The boy asked later, crying: "Why did Nathan leave us if he loves us… why won't he stay here?"

Of course we cannot explain this to the boy, but we in Hosea have a widespread mission field to reach, and we are supplying vital help in many areas.

The boy nathan transported to Hospital

We distributed God’s word and food aid to more than 5,000 people over several days. Many had never seen a Caucasian person, causing them considerable amazement. We aim to reach those areas where the gospel has not been preached before, partly because terrorism dominates such areas, and that's why our team needs military protection.

It is amazing to see how God works to save and heal the sick. In the tribal area, a woman with an eye disease burst into tears when God's healing power made her well. A big thank you to all you donors because you make this work possible for us!

Women healed with an eye disease

In another tribal area, a little girl had a strong experience of God's healing power at the same moment as she gave her life to Jesus. This girl suffered from severe nerve pain throughout her body as a result of an infection that left her with long-lasting ailments.The healed girl was so filled with joy that she has been singing about Jesus to everyone ever since. It is wonderful to see the genuine sincere worship and praise of such a little child, as she naturally witnesses and faithfully attends meetings.

In many tribal villages, people live in misery without basic necessities and without any kind of help. Even a small inflammation or disease can lead to death. Therefore, our mission is not only to proclaim the gospel, but also to help with all practical needs.

Tribal area children

Our Christian schools produce good results, according to Proverbs 22:6: Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. I strongly believe that God will raise up the generation of King Josiahs -- see 2 Kings chapter 22. Josiah was a boy who loved God with all his heart and led his own generation back to know God. The story of Josiah is a prophetic description of what will happen in the nations. It is no coincidence that Josiah became king at the age of 8. Symbolically, eight means a new beginning. Even though Josiah was still a child, the story illustrates that God has no age limits when it comes to building His Kingdom.

This is why we in Hosea work hard to proclaim God’s word to children: when these children grow up, they will become pioneers who will point others to a righteous life in Christ and bring a new spiritual beginning to the nations. That is why bringing children to faith is important to us, and we have already seen the results in how the first students from Hosea schools are now involved in our outreach work as young adults.

With blessings,


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